Your community has a robust climate focus and has identified climate mitigation and adaptation projects or has a climate action plan that needs to be prioritized.
We are here and ultra-motivated to support you in realizing your goals by co-creating the Youth Climate Corps of your community. Climate change is the greatest challenge for youth. We will support you in creating a program that empowers young people to inspire and implement solutions to the climate crisis through employment, training, and leadership development.
Below are Youth Climate Corps BC focus areas in climate action with which we can create real impacts together in your community.
In Youth Climate Corps, crew members are between 17-29 years old; they earn wages, gain work experience, build networks, and develop themselves personally and professionally. Meanwhile, they complete projects that both benefit their own communities and support global efforts to act on the climate crisis.
If you or your organization wants to learn more about how to team up with us and move forward on projects in your community, or if you are interested in funding one of our projects related to our different focus areas, we are here to support you.