Nica has over a decade of experience working with children and youth aged 3-18 years old. She thrives in fostering growth and creating opportunities for young people to reconnect with the land and engage with environmental issues. She finds that the growth is contagious, as she is continuously learning alongside the youth. Her passion for climate solutions spans throughout all facets of her life. It led her to formally obtain her Bachelor’s degree in Geography specializing in Environment and Sustainability from the University of British Columbia and a certificate in Sustainable Leadership from the University of Bifrost, Iceland. Beyond academia, she pursues endeavours that focus on community involvement. Whether leading or participating in workshops, boosting biodiversity efforts, or advocating for the inhabitants of the land, she is deeply committed to advancing climate justice. For her, it's at the intersection of community and nature where true growth and progress unfold. In her spare time, you can find her climbing rocks, frolicking and observing fungi in forests or perfecting her focaccia recipe.
I'm always looking for new and compelling opportunities. Let's connect.